Products - Electronic Control - Brake Control Controllers
TBJ Solenoid Controllers offer solutions for brake control solutions. The controls are designed with to DO-254 standard.
The box contains three circuit cards, connected by a "motherboard". The three cards include two redundant control cards, which process the wheel
speed and pilot input information and drive the control valve signals. A connector card provides the five VDC supplies and signal
filtering/conditioning. A driver card contains -5VDC and +12 VDC power supplies, drivers for the shutoff valves, and the logic for the arbitration
between the two control channels.
CCA and the Connector CCA are plated through hole (PTH) technology CCA's utilizes automated assembly processing for 90% of the CCA component
placement. The Primary/Backup CCA is the redundant CCA and contains mixed technology components requiring the additional utilization of automatic
surface mount technology (SMT) equipment. The "motherboard" contains only PTH technology connectors and is hand assembled.
Product Integration:
Our ability to design develop and integrate electronics into our control solutions has played a defining roll in our ability to provide complete
antiskid solutions to our customers.
Click on one of the examples below to see the types of
electronic control products we have manufactured for our clients: